Over the past year or longer I have been offering Blood Flow Restriction training (BFRT) to FoleyPhysicalTherapys list of services. From a continuing education standpoint this is an area with an obscene amount of research to completely immerse oneself in and I decided to jump in to training and application in the early part of 2020.
In the Musculoskeletal/orthopedic care world treatments such a platelet rich plasma (PRP), stem cell use (in specific select forms only in the US), glucosamine and nutraceutical injections have come to the forefront of physician care options. They are considered "regenerative" treatments, loosely defined as using the bodies own materials to heal. It is early in the evolution/application and evidence is still in flux regarding the efficacy of these tools, but there is an encouraging progress with these proactive treatments.. BFRT is a similar game changer in my world and I can use it on nearly all patients in various degrees, including non injured folks, to make meaningful changes in their strength. |