Physical therapists get to spend pretty intimate time with patients. Over years in this profession I have learned a lot and had some really good discussions about peoples health and healthcare experiences. My hope with this blog is to take some of those 1:1 conversations and share them, maybe making for a larger discussion to help us better advocate for ourselves and our health. In addition to my topics which so far have come directly from discussions with patients I am hoping to build some interaction and gain questions, comments and feedback from readers to guide future blogs. Additionally, on the right side I have links to one of my peer reviewed journals, the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT), which publishes a patient specific "perspectives" column periodically based on relevant new and important research in a customer oriented language. I do not to get all my news from only a few sources, and hopefully this will compliment your information network. I will update those JOSPT links from time to time when better information becomes current. Finally, as time goes on some vendors I have worked with who have products I can support may be advertised. For example, Automated Security Alert is one such company I might choose to post about. Based in Munhall, PA they supplied the home monitoring service in my patients home in the event of a fall or other emergency. I will only speak to products I have experience with and/or high expectations of value. As with all "endorsements" I would expect common sense and your own supportive research before your purchase.
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